For a Covert assignment in Conceptual Practices at Oxbow, Kevin handed out the slips of paper requesting people to tell a member of my class: "I have something for you" ...rummage around... "I can't find it right now" "I'll give it to you later" I assigned a different person to each member of the class including the teacher and t/a. Kevin tried to find people who would actually have something for them. Roommates, friends, coworkers. It took about two days to cover all bases, but by dinner it was all set up.
At critiques, no one understood when Kevin told them that he had to give them something in the middle of crit and wasted time rummaging through his backpack. When staring at them, one classmate guessed that what I was doing was "the piece" When I repeated the words, another recognized them, then one by one people, who said that no one had told them that recently, remembered. Some thought it fun, some were dissapointed because they wanted that thing and some were touched that Kevin would go through the trouble of finding out who knew them well nough for the trick to work.

For the Overt part, I set up a Smile Cam in the dining room at dinner and left it up through dinner the next day, but I think that it was too much to ask for people to start and stop the camera. Or the directions were too bland. If I had a surveillance camera system, one that wouldn't automatically shut down ever ten minutes like my DV cam, I think it would have worked much better. Perhaps I will try some combination of these projects again in some form. The instruction was to make your friend smile on camera without using words
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